A squared headed sub-human obsessed with siren head and other digital online characters. Little intelligence boarder line crazy . Lower life form than pond scum. Single cell organism who attempts to destroy others by means of insanity
by Eggkelly September 12, 2020
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Known for acting in the Wizard of Oz interpretation, "The Wiz", as the Tin Man. Also known to play Bill Cosby, and Sex Offender Joe.
Guy 1: "Hey, did you hear? Someone saw Benjamin Isaiah Hughes in town today."
Guy 2: "For real? I love The Wiz!"
by Benjamin Isaiah Hughes November 21, 2021
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A fagget retarded lookin ass who looks like a squirrel and is gay
by Travis hughes February 6, 2018
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Someone with curly hair who’s obsessed with searching themselves up on Urban Dictionary
“Have you seen the new guy? “

“Yeah! He’s such a Joseph Hughes!”
by MajesticRose May 27, 2021
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a 5’9 student who attends the lovett schools. he has a thing for middle schoolers and frequently tries to get with girls 1-2 years younger than him. his giant hair adds 5” to his height and he refuses to put any effort into school or football and is a solid second string on jv. his mom also tried to sue lovett for being “too liberal”
yikes, did you see hugh roper with that 8th grader at seaside?
by bigbigbig27 November 22, 2021
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a 5’9 student who attends the lovett schools. he has a thing for middle schoolers and frequently tries to get with girls 1-2 years younger than him. his giant hair adds 5” to his height and he refuses to put any effort into school or football and is a solid second string on jv. his mom also tried to sue lovett for being “too liberal”
yikes! did you see hugh roper and that 8th grader at seaside?
by bigbigbig27 November 22, 2021
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The ‘Dirty Hughes’ When you have intercourse with your hommies ex girl
For Example - Nate did the Dirty hughes on Mortikae. It made Mortikae hate him profusely
by Gusto_mountain650 April 28, 2020
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