Sumone who is better than everyone at everything; the person is very narcissistic
"Omg zamari is Da biggest bird"
"I wish I was Da biggest bird like zamari "
by Zamari's #1 fan March 23, 2023
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A person in the game Team fortress 2 playing as the scout class using the soda popper or the force a nature, this play style focuses on jumping around like a bird
"Im having a 1v1 against a scout using the force a nature, what a fucking bird scout loser"

error: Im fucking owning you right now you cant hit me!
Sterben: thats because its impossible to hit you
error: well thats how i play
Sterben: well only pussies plays as bird scout
by error_or_reich June 5, 2017
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The act of having a someone pour 2% milk into their mouth, adding a teaspoon of nesquik, and then proceeding to slowly dip your genitals into their full mouth.
Ally was craving chocolate milk and I was horny so we met in the middle and she agreed to an Ohio Bird Bath.
by Kornchips April 15, 2022
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Word-by-word literal translation of Polish idiomatic phrase "po ptokach", used to express the finality of a typically-unlucky event, i.e. something that can no longer be changed.
Steve: "Did you hear that Bill is going to confess to Ann today?"
Mark: "Too bad, it's after birds."
Steve: "Why?"
Mark: "Ann met some dude on Tinder yesterday, and they're planning to get married next week."
by natural_name January 21, 2021
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An expression used when it is extremely cold. The mythical 'fur bird' sits around saying "Fur-fur-fur-fur-fur-fuck it's cold!"
The fur birds are out and about this morning
by SillyBugger24601 January 13, 2020
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Popular cult founded by anne and sinbad. slogan: give us your passport
by anneekl March 16, 2003
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