Effectively every part of The Urban Dictionary Terms of Service is violated by 80% of posts.
by AlownAgainstTheWorld May 26, 2023
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Guys! It's a relative term! Relax! How was I supposed to know I think in PhD level psychology as a matter of default?
Hym "Did I not tell you Jordan's next book was going to be me? You see them cannibalizing my work and converting it into conservative talking points right? Like... Yeah. I mean, I tried to bash my own brains in but they're just too strong! I got them strong brains, baby. And it's a relative term so it's not like a huge deal. I'm the greatest mind who's ever lived! I can't help it! My skull meat is the juiciest! What do you want me to do here?"
by Hym Iam August 27, 2023
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someone who has the ability to make a term for almost anything
person 1: Did you hear he mad a term for packing quickly?

person 2: Ya, he's such a term-it-all.
by junk boy 3 August 7, 2008
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The most beautiful, amazing, intelligent, smart, funny and person you will ever meet. She is the girl in high school that everyone knows. Everything with her is done to perfection and this will become a name that everyone will know someday. She is the one that everyone loves.
She has the perfect body and also the face. She also has a lot of books. That's why I'm saying that she is the one who has the intelligence and the beauty!
Yooo boy is that a terme?
Oh man she is the definition of beauty!
by Leheno November 20, 2021
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(they're forcing me to write this)
Term is a really pog kid with awesome blue hair and anyone who says otherwise will be bad
i like Term
by panfruit October 11, 2021
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