Somehow the person who isn't here for one of the bosses got a bigger split than the people who were here for the entire raid.
"3703.25 is Gary's split. 3703.13 is everyone's split."

"HuhhhH?? What the fuck is this Mel math?"
by Lmaokai1234 August 28, 2021
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A term similar to “when pigs fly” but slightly adjusted. Mel never smokes.
Yo do you think I have a chance with that model? “Yeah when mel smokes
by og pattis January 23, 2020
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Is the name of someone who is an awesome friend, and you will always have a good time around. shes smart and beautiful. and theres no one that backs on as good as her.
wow, her name must be mel turl because shes damn fine.
by amyyyy03 April 11, 2011
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1) Ghetto-Fab
2) Emo Caves

2)I am really depressed im in a reaal teddy-mel
by M.F January 23, 2008
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When a celebrity loses their prior popularity due to an unpopular expression of an opinion,
Person 1: Man, my friend James used to be so popular, but after he called that guy a faggot, everyone started shit-talking him.
Person 2: Yeah, classic case of the Mel Gibson effect.
by Mark Walters March 31, 2018
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science teach that will beat yo ass
“on big mel imma beat yo ass ho
by realslime December 29, 2022
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Mel started it, I was just defending myself!
Mel started it, I was only defending myselfis a bully and started it, 😂 😀
by Skeggssy July 13, 2023
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