Jazz is a nice person but a slut and could be a bitch but other then that obese jazz is okay!
:londen your ugly
Anthony: I guess I’m a jaz obese
by Francisco berries June 20, 2023
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mexican boys waiting in line to buy a black chair
those are obese tractors buying a chair
by yeywywtw November 10, 2018
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mexican dogs with a black chair with fat peoples
i bought a obese tractor
by yeywywtw November 10, 2018
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when you are so fat that your stomach hangs over your dick and when you pee or have sex you must lift up your huge stomach to access your dick
steve: Justin is super obese he probably can't see his own dick
john: yeah man i'd hate to look like that.
by big boob master March 16, 2019
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