Literal god. More knowledgeable and wise than anyone in the universe.
Nobody is on the level of Darren Spreadbury.
by KVDT17 July 30, 2021
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To act like you are a distant relative of a sporting superstar, then sgout everyone Pimms
You were such an extreme darren last night
by Ahn Do December 10, 2020
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Fatasss motherfucker who sucks at literally everything they do.
Hmm you suck at video games, must be a Darren Huang tbh
by thenamer12 April 3, 2022
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Extremely beautiful, sexy girl who attracts everyone. Beautiful both inside and out, anyone is lucky to have her.
Person: Yo who's that sexy chick?
Person: That's Darrene, she's mine!
by ben__006 November 25, 2021
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When your booty is so big it could be used as a lifeboat.
The ship sank but it's cool because Stephanie had a Darren Horsley
by LordHufflepuff April 23, 2020
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Can you hear them?
The trains
They call to you
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Our one true god: Pen-y-Darren
by The Cosmic Conductor September 11, 2020
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