Beautis was first introduced in the well-known ©TTTV show, "Dear Helen, the Lucky Walk to the Last Notebook." The term beautis has also been incorporated into the ©TTTV show "Keeping up with the Beautis." Beautis is a term that is predominantly used by sophisticated intellectual beings.

Beautis (adj.) /ˈbyo͞otiz/
1. Embodying so much beauty that you outshine the baby sun in Teletubbies.

2. Slang for beautiful.
Girl: Are you beautis because I love you or do I love you because you're beautis?
Boy: GURLLLL, I'm beautis because I'm beautis! *snaps sassily*
by TTTV January 5, 2015
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A wonderful person that makes you smile just by saying hello. Someone that you count upon in your day. Someone that lights up a room when she smiles or laughs. Someone that you can't stop loving.
Juliana is beautiful
by pz<3jj April 30, 2013
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the grace of the presence that a being gives off.not there looks but their personality,soul,effort,heart,and their graciousness.not someone that just puts on makeup to make themselves feel beautiful becuase they are only hurting is hard to find because there are few how find that in themselves first.
As she stopped to help the yong girl who tripped i could tell that she had what everyone looks for,beauty......
by mew92 September 5, 2009
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True beauty is not any of this bullsh*t that those damn cosmetics companies are telling us it is. True beauty is not skin deep, merely it is when someone is extremely appealing for who or what they are, no matter their physical appearence. True beauty can only be found by love, and once it has been found it cannot be forgotten.
by charlie golf 2 June 4, 2011
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A sight that stops the heart. Catches your breath right at that moment. Upon first glance of true 'Beauty', the whole world disappears, all that remains is just you and her. It can be heard in a sound, a laugh. It has a angelic ring to the ears. It can be felt in a touch.
Him - "Man what was it like when you saw her?"
Me - "Dude, my heart skipped a beat when I saw her face to face. Then she laughed, that sound, it took my breath away. Then she hugged me...the whole world disappeared."
Him - "That pretty huh?"
Me - "Sarah is Beauty at its purest form..."
by Her Soldier August 5, 2011
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the one word that people should stop fucking including in their definitions for countries.
type in any country with more than a few definitions into the search bar.

ctrl+f "beautiful"

be horrified
by Hawaiian Dicking May 14, 2009
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TJK a girl that is beautiful no matter what she is wearing or how mad upset or pissed off at u she is. even when she is yellin at you for telling people a secret you cant help but smile and think damn shes beautiful. A girl i never wanna lose and that i wouldnt mind being with the rest of my life cause she is that amazing and beautiful
dude 1: dude dont look at her
dude 2 : why not
dude 1: cuz here beautifulness will atract you to her like a bug to a bug zapper
by Milky#10 May 31, 2009
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