device used to rip the breasts off a women
I'll rip your breasts off if you keep bitching

I use a breast ripper to rip off breasts
by tacowithpeanutbutter11 September 4, 2022
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The tongue in cheek name given to the literary genre of Amish Romance.
With hand holding within the first 100 pages, it was shaping up to being a real bonnet ripper.
by ApricotFields November 2, 2020
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A dirty leicester is where you shove red leicester cheese into the anal cavity
John: I did that bitch last night!
Derick: Did you do a leicester ripper?
John: You bet i did.
by Nemo the Fish January 30, 2015
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Chester is a Gripper Ripper so he can't come watch little Billy's football game with us tonight.
by G. Houlihan August 20, 2023
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Sheet rippers can sometimes refer to the description of a lady's pair of high heels. The term implies that the heels are so high (and pointed) that during the throws of passion, her stiletto heels rip and tear the bed sheets.
Sometimes Jane likes to wear her FMBs but she worries about tearing the bed linen. She's got that many sheet rippers, she never knows which shoes to wear.
by Invizibullman April 5, 2018
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An especially obnoxious fart. Often attributed to the sound, reminiscent of the sound a sheet of cloth makes when torn
"Steve let out a real sheet ripper last night, I thought he'd shat the bed.
by Smilin Wanderer March 16, 2018
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To hide duct tape behind toilet paper, so that when used it tears through the flesh of their asshole.
I found out Stacy cheated with Mark, so I gave her a Rim Ripper to settle the score.
by JPthebog November 29, 2016
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