In a best friend relationship the dominant one can be called a Martha while the submissive one can be called a Jean.
by Tanviandkyrah September 10, 2020
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A girl that is really beautiful , her armpits stink a little but every time your with her its so amazing
by Love literature January 7, 2017
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Cutest,nicest,sweetest girl u ever met ALSO DID I MENTION SHES MY GF
looking hot today
by ArchAwesome9 April 28, 2019
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Verb. The action of pelting someone with ignorant questions for days and weeks until the incompetence fueling the question asking results in emotional or mental distress to the individual being accosted. Martha-nizing is equal to figuratively euthanizing the

subject’s will to live.
“This bitch done asked me how to send an email for the 12th time this week. I’m too drained to come back to work tomorrow from how she’s attempting to Martha-nize me on the daily. Please give my eulogy
by TaggartRailCEO September 7, 2023
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Martha roberts is the definition of a cougar. She loves the nicotine and seems to never get enough of it. You will know if you meet a martha roberts because their bum will wipe you out if it touches you. Don’t be phased she might seem like a nice girl but behind your back she can vomit words like you have never heard before
Yeh I went flying when she touched me she is a martha roberts

Did you hear martha roberts texted him. Deffo a cougar
by emi goodman June 3, 2022
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