Something to describe a small penis usually belonging to an incel
“Ewww have you seen that nerd ass Nigga Daquarius” “yeah I heard he got that incel penis
by Zodiac Zach August 2, 2023
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Someone who cannot find women, men, animals, and or LGBTQ2+ sexual partners. This is due to certain features of the incel. Some examples are micropenis, obesity, attractiveness, potential autism and also straight up hatred towards some gender identities and sexual orientations.
Do you see those two involuntary incels Jeff and Adam sitting in this strip club. These women wont even touch them and thats their job.
by Homeless69 October 23, 2023
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And the only reason you're not a dirt poor mandingo is that you stopped using your own defunct mind and let me dance you around like the puppet you are.
Hym "And if I catch either of you praising that cripple again the only virgins you're going to get in heaven are going to be angry incels who are stronger than you as a matter of default."
by Hym Iam August 12, 2023
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