The things that came from apes... 1000s of years ago.
My ancestors were that are now people...
by Gdieuejsi October 27, 2020
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guy 1:hey your a bunch of people!
guy 2:wow thats harsh
by 2plus2isfour June 4, 2018
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The plural of "person". And you should avoid them if you have something they don't.
by Smart Toosh March 22, 2018
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Why would you search up people. Get out of my sight. Hint-Hint, it's what you Are! You need to get out more often
by THE_difinition_of_... February 28, 2018
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Verb: To people

Used in a sentence to indicate the need to or dislike of socializing.
I need to people more.” Or, “I really don’t want to people right now.”
by Frances Petard May 10, 2022
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