Occasionally referred to as 'Slopkunt', a group of mask-wearing idiots who are too scared to reveal their real identities for fear of getting speared by us for producing such shit music.
by DeaD PersoN August 1, 2003
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A very generic band From Iowa, USA. The band consists of a ridiculous 9 members.

Often associated with teenagers who try to act hardcore and be cool by listening to the band.

Boring song writing, occasional insights or social commentary amongst a tonne of meaningless swearing.

Overall an extremely over-rated and untalented band.

Brings shame to the music industry.
Slipknot cannot compare to other more talented bands such as Megadeth, Dream Theater or Cannibal Corpse.
by Cowboyo September 6, 2009
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A bunch of mentally challenged guys who confused fagots with maggots.
Have a bunch of unneeded members in it.
No solos just a bunch of power cords plus having a band wear a mask to cover up their fucked up faces. This could be also called a definition for no talent what so ever.
Nathan: Hey Juan, did you hear the new album from Slipknot.

Juan: NO!!

Nathan: Me neither.

Juan: I thought about hearing that band, but i want to finish elementary school.

by Eric The Lazy Cheetah July 11, 2008
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n. Another one of those nu-metal rock groups that believe screaming and wailing nonsensical lyrics while “thrashing” on their guitars is a form of music. Hell, avoid this and all metal bands and new-age rock bands. Listen to something good, like David Bowie.
Notice how all the Slipknot fans do not use proper grammar? Notice how they have no grasp of the English language. Hell, the bastards wouldn’t know proper grammar if it crawled up and bit them in the ass.
by Verges May 23, 2004
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First of all fuckers. Slipknot do NOT label themselves as Black metal or Death metal. They just call themselves Slipknot. Just as their fans. And it's not just teenagers that listen to them. My dad, who's 41, like some of their songs. And to all of you who say that their songs doesnt contain other words than "fuck, I hate you", you should go and suck your daddy.
The reason they wear masks is that they don't wanna be judged by how they look. And they are not a band put together by a record company. And it takes talent to play 9 guys in a band. And last: maybe all the members of Slipknot are not the best drummer, or the best singer, or whatever. But put together they are the best band.

Stay (SiC) Maggots
Non-maggot: Slipknot suck ass.
Maggot: YOU suck ass. Go listen to your fuckin' pop-shit you call music
by Swedish_maggot December 4, 2004
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fucking ace 9 man band from Des Moines ,Iowa. there lyrics are fuckin ace and all you haters who slag tehm off probably never even take the time to listen to one of there songs and think about the lyrics, and all you who keep complaining about them just screaming, have you even heard the new album?! theres acoustic songs there and corey has an ace voice. joey jordison is one of if not THE best drummer in the world. Jim and Mick (the guitarists for all you fucktards) are good, clever guitarists. theres a difference between being an ace guitarist and a clver one. who cares if the riffs are simple? it means that you dont ahve to be an absolute fuckin genious to play there songs. just becasue alot of slipknto fans are shitty fag mini moshers who think they are cool because there being "different" doesnt mean the band suck. anyways just wanted to give my opinion if you dont like it fuck you and go listen to whatever music you do like. oh and by the way, sorry for any spelling mistakes i know how uptight you people are about good old enlgish language lol
fag boy: slipknot suck jus because ther more mainstream
Slipknot fan: fuck you go listen to some of your shitty busted then come back and tell me who's mainstream
by Nig December 17, 2004
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also Known as TonKpilS

Possibly one of the most undefinable Metal Bands of its time

A Band of 9 Different people specializing in Different Edges of Music

Utilizing 2 DJs 2 Special Percussionists, 1 Bassist, 2 Guitarists, 1 Drummer, and 1 Lead Singer they form the 2nd most talked about concerts world wide. Although only releasing 4 albums total and splitting up after 8 years (still approx. 1 yr left) they will go down in history as legends and will be missed.

SlipKnoT is commonly defined as Thrash Metal, Hate Metal, or Death Metal. Although they are not gothic, they do not create songs by how they feel they create songs that sound good and will ultimately sound the best
SlipKnoT fan: SLIPKNOT 0WNZ J00 F00!

by Taco April 18, 2004
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