People named Keira are very kind and typically have lots of friends. They can go completely mental from time to time and do something completely stupid. They have a lot of passion and don't like to listen to their parents. They like to swim but are not very good competitively and like to take their time.
Person 1: Omg, Keira just poured salt into her water!!
Person 2: And now she's drinking it-oh no...
by -the real keira March 6, 2023
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A badass chick who wants to fuck every guy in town, she has long black hair and if you come across a Keira you will be scared. She has big tits and a big juicy pussy
Wow look at Keira she has big boobs
by My bum smells bad May 4, 2022
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keira is scary is a horror genius and is funny and fun

chump 1: wow keira know so much about horror

chump2: she is so funnyyyyy
by DEFFFFFENITLY NOT lachlan January 17, 2022
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A scaff who can’t do anything without her group and has no palls when they are in their own they small a lot and have Raggedy clothes that they can’t afford
Ew don’t be such a keira
by Anonymousslaggywhore May 16, 2022
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Keira is beautiful strong and calm, and encourages everyone to be their best self at all times. Cool calm and collected, you are lucky if you have a Keira in your life. She has a small group of close friends that she loves and protects with all her heart. Very attracting but won't just settle for anyone. This cool calm and collected girl is bound to be your best friend for life. If Keira went to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry she would most likely be put in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Keira is my absolute best friend 💗.
Person 1: Who's your best friend?
Person 2: Keira, she is my best friend for life!
by Emily Rabitohoet September 3, 2021
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Have you every met a Keira? If you haven't you DEFINETLY should!! She is most likely to have weirdly coloured eyes and dark blonde or brown hair. This girl is one of the most attractive people in this world! Keira is most likely to be a Taurus, Gemini or Sagittarius. She would barely have an accent and is good with her Texas accent. Don't believe me? Find a gorgeous talented Keira and ask her to do the accent. She loves to sing and dance. She is a truly born leader!<3
Person 1: Keira speak in an accent!
Keira: hi, I'm summer and I'm from Houston Texan!
by Charsdamelioo June 28, 2021
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