The leaving of a shit stain on a girl's upper lip by first engaging in anal sex and then rubbing the shit on her upper lip.
I told that bitch to bend over to the front n touch her toes, then gave her the Hitler!
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Considered the most evil person in exsistance, and yeah he is.

killed people because of their race in an attempt to clean the world, but hey, his heart was in the right place.
Teacher: Sorry Adolf, the answer was 'world peace'
Hitler: Dang...
by Blahson October 11, 2006
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when you take some poop and rub it on the uper part of someones lip making them have a mustache and smell poop
Antwain bootleg got a hitler after he was knocked out by calvin.
by jebidiy June 3, 2007
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This word is !always! used in combination with "around" since this is an attempt to correctly translate the German expression "rumhitlern".
If someone is: extremely angry, fault-finding, arguing, running someone down, really getting worked up about something, or just generally freaking out about something, that person is hitlering around.
1. Employee A: "Hey what was that guy's problem, man ?"
Employee B: "Dunno, he was just hitlering around because we wouldn't accept his credit card."

2. Employee A: "What was that guy just hitlering around for ?"
Employee B: "Oh, because we wouldn't accept his credit card."

3. HER: "I thought we had a serious relationship! I thought you love me!? So why the hell did you... "
HIM: "Stop hitlering around - I already told you I didn't do it ! ! !"
by 83rd Inf. Reg. August 2, 2008
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A word that when used by someone, generally signals their loss in an argument.

A rule of thumb for debate tournaments: The first person who says "hitler" loses.
Person 1: ...and that's why captialism is essential to a nation's freedom.

Person 2: But uh, the nazis used to...uh i mean, hitler was...

Person 3: Sorry bro, you lose for bringing up hitler.
by Guy Dude Bro September 30, 2007
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someone who took take 6000000/1 kill death ratio in a game
He is a hitler
by I have old english vocab December 8, 2019
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Smearing some shit in the shape of a "Hitler stache" under the nose of someone who is passed out drunk.
Troy is passed out drunk again, he deserves The Hitler.
by ripclas33 April 9, 2011
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