A small nap, usually 45 minutes or less.
I took a napkin in the back of the car while my parents drove me to another mandatory AA meeting for my 3rd DWI.
by Valentina Zzzzzz September 25, 2014
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when the pocket on your booty shorts hangs out below your hemline which is only worn by basic white girls.
tinder boy:” gurrllll u basic, u got those shorts with them napkin joints”

by peterpan_69 April 24, 2018
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- The one who is using too much napkins in the coffee shops or restaurants

- The one who always finish the napkins in your place
- Jack is such a napkins whore, he ordered a bottle of water , he took 10 napkins with it!

-Friend1: I can’t believe that, Sally finished the napkins when she came over!
Friend 2: AGAIN!! Well! She’s being a napkins whore as usual!
by M.DERZ December 13, 2020
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