VF=better graphics,physics
Tekken=better gameplay
by ron obvious February 26, 2003
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One of the first early polygonal games to feature human beings. It uses technology borrowed from Lockheed Martin F-16 flight simulator. With the money from the success of the first game, and its cabinet featured in the Virtual National History Museum.
Poser:I love Virtua Fighter , I use to play 2 all the time. They should make another.

VF player:There is VF5FS which has online and ai that mimics pro player's ghost/behaviors.
Poser:I sold my soul to learn Tekken already!
by Makoto_1999 February 6, 2018
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A game that have a slow reaction time and was focused to much on the graphics instead of the gameplay...that's why its never have such of a big sucess like Tekken Dead or Alive or Street Fighter.
If Virtua Fighter is such a great game then how it haven't gotten over America...its not that America is lazy its just that America knows the difference between treasure and trash.
by Jade July 6, 2003
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