To give oral intercourse (a blow job) to ones own penis by stretching his body, so his head can reach his penis
My friend was able to put his heels behind his head and bend his head forward near his crotch . although he did not give himself a blow job, hes was clearly able to. thus the alien ratface came to be, just because thats how his face looks.
by alien rat face April 4, 2010
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A buck toothed dreadlocked chicken head. Also known as John's little sitter.
Guy1: hey John who is that girl?
John: oh that's my little sister"Ratface"!
by delshrone November 29, 2015
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A ratface is noticeable for her vermin like appearance. Can be spotted easily for there is a noticeable beta orbit of E.J's. Known for being so unattractive, so visually apaling only autists and severe social out casts can smash.
I saw a ratface today and of course she had her beta orbit of e.j's in tow.
by Nomse October 31, 2017
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