She’s the most beautiful girl you ever seen. Sunshine in human form. If you meet her, never let her go!
Panna is the type of everyone
by Marci 2001 November 21, 2021
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Sweet, beautiful girl and a great friend with a precious smile. Likes to make people happy.
Man 1: Damn, look at that girl over there!
Man 2: That’s Panna!
by Katiepierson November 21, 2021
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a man who is sweet and tempting but Flaccid, suffers from EDD but refuses to admit it. Often used to describe middle aged, divorced white guys who can't get it up.
"Antony is so sweet but he's Panna Cotta in bed"
by DEPOSITRON December 14, 2021
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An ass that is (like a panna cotta) silky, smooth, shapely and has a perfect jiggle, however, (like a panna cotta) has a serving size that is unsatisfying.
"Wow, Julie is flawless."
"That's what you think... unfortunately she has a panna cotta ass."
by Tired_Creature March 3, 2020
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