a simple guy who is hot af and ever girl wants him who is 6 feet tall and loves bikes and his girl.
dude that igi najjaci is the beast
IGII Najjaciii
by lol788755 December 8, 2020
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1)Feeling horny and the intention to seduce many females/males when already in a relationship.
2)Having thoughts of a playboy.
3)Addiction of needing a sexual partner.
Oh my gosh! I guess im having igi-ness!

Dude, you already got more than one chicks, stop the igi-ness.

Wow! I need more than one chick, dude!
Im really having the igi-ness fever!
by Jolie-san September 8, 2008
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My friend understand what i meant so he said igy.
by O2klz March 14, 2022
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