Unpleasant, weird, bad, terrible, a state of making others uncomfortable being around you
you have a foochie attitude
by egill21 January 13, 2017
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Something explicitly expressed towards a male said by a perverted gay man.
Donut (caresses*) male friends foot with his. (Says*)- Foochi-Poochi baby~😚
by Donutthegayman November 19, 2021
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When the spaces in between your toes have a black sort of toe jam in between them. Toe jam sounds weird whereas foochie fungus sounds classy and more sophisticated.
“Bro why is there some big ass toe jam inbetween your toes man?”
“Bro it’s called foochie fungus man!”
“Oh yeah sorry bro, anyway, thats some big ass foochie fungus you got there bro.”
Thanks bro it means a lot”
by Lord have mercy on my soul August 26, 2019
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