A Cagney, normally of the Heather variety , existing in a small market town. Primarily used when instructing the Cagney to leave
by Kate R January 20, 2004
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The three racers in Mario Kart 64; DK, Wario, and Bowser, that are scary to get around or hard to pass. If a smaller racer runs into the fantasses, they spin out. So called because of their wide backs.
Frickin’ Fatbacks, I just ran into DK on the bridge and fell in the lava.
by July 18, 2020
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A sexual transaction for 13 dollars or less and a cheap cigarette from a very gross meth head usually performed behind a fast food establishment or under a bridge. Pretty much anywhere sketchy. This is a shameful choice and you will not share this experience with your compadres. Bring 3 ply. You’ll need it.
I got the ol meth stain fatback in a very place in my life. I will never forget it. I can’t..it’s burned it I my brain forever. No ones knows though
by KFCnBJS May 23, 2020