A person (typically a girl) with a thin frame, who has a fat stomach / upper body. A skinny-fat person occurs as the result of bad genetics, poor eating/drinking habits, and complete avoidance of the gym.
A: "So, that girl you hooked up with last night was pretty hot"

B: "Well, she looked good at the bar, but when I got her clothes off, she was totally skinny-fat."

A: "Bummer."
by acf April 5, 2006
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Being really skinny but living of unhealthy food.
Skinny-fat people are literally my enemies. I envy their powers.
by Steve5214 April 4, 2016
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Girls who are NEITHER really skinny or fat...but somewhere in between. Skinny-fat girls usually wear clothes that are TOO small for their 'not so skinny' bodies. A skinny-fat girl usually may wear a pair of low-rise jeans that are WAY too tight causing her fat to spill out of the top of her pants.
-"Oh mah gawd Becky!!! Look at Lisa...did she lose weight???"

-"Yeah, it totally looks like she lost a little bit of weight...but she still looks skinny-fat to me! I mean ewww look at her fat jelly rolls hanging out of her jeans!"
by Anonomous_Hippopotomus December 18, 2005
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When the body is proportioned wrong. When the upper half (waist up) is much larger than it should be for the bottom half (waist down.) The upper half has lots of rolls, while the legs are toned. It can also be vise versa, the legs are much fatter then the upper half, very slim waist line and toned abs with thunder thighs.
"whoaaa that girl is weird looking, she is most def a skinny fat."

"that girls legs are so skinny.. but her upper half is so big. must be a skinny fat."
by Dankx0 April 25, 2010
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“Do you like winning?” - Daniel Hunt
“Yes.” - Every human being
“Then you should play Fat Parts Skinny Parts, it’s the game where everyone wins.” - Daniel Hunt
by HunkOCheese January 11, 2018
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Someone who can eat a crap load of junk food and still look like a beanpole. Since they have a high metabolism, they can't seem to gain weight no matter how much they eat.
Lucas is so friggin skinny-fat. He eats ten ice cream bars, two bags of fritoes and five cans of mountain dew each day and somehow he still looks like a walking rib cage.
by Jerry Sid July 30, 2014
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an ugly fucker with a skinny head and neck and a fat lower body.
by shakazuzu July 12, 2006
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