A 2008 expansion team in the La Resistance Football League.
Wow, the Douche Chills are so good this year, they give me douche chills.
by mattkatz July 11, 2008
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When ever you walk by someone and you look at them and realize that they are complete assholes, pretty much means they make you feel ashamed to be a human.
People who walk around acting like there the shit, when there just some punk asshole who needs to get that ghetto ass hat of his turned shoved up his ass. and then you feel a chill go down your spine(Douche Chills).
by Richard Tang January 1, 2011
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The gross feeling you get when something is really gay or embarrassing. Esp. when you are a straight male witnessing another male acting like a flaming homosexual.
Whenever I see Richard Simmons on TV I get douche chills.
by STB April 12, 2006
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To feel sick or mock the good feelings of others as if to say you have "chills" well I have "douche chills". To parody the term "It gave me chills."
Bill was so great, he gave me douche chills.
by FTF November 25, 2003
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A mental and full body cringe or shudder, in an involuntary manner, stemming from the disdain of a douche
With his frosted tips, goatee, and Affliction t-shirt, I couldn't help but get automatic douche chills
by Jackabeee February 3, 2020
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