Decent, mostly used for describing girls. sometimes job interviews or stressful situations. putting your pinky fingers together as well as your thumbs together is slang sign language for decent, with your thumbs apart, it means more than decent. with your pinkies apart, it means less than decent, if you want to keep quiet when you're talking about a girl that's right next to you.
Nathaniel: How was she?
Derek: she was deece. (with pinkies and thumbs together)
by Derekly August 26, 2008
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Short and sweet way of saying 'decent' when describing something amazing/ cool/ great/ incredible
Boy 1: have you heard the new a state of trance year mix??

Boy 2: yeah bro its fucking deece!!
by Jaznn Le December 27, 2014
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Often used as a close substitute for decent. "Deece pizz" is an expression for average or above average pizza. Furthermore, deece usually implies more satisfaction than decent. It can also mean: sweet, awesome, nice, cool etc. Many users of the word precede "deece" with the modifier "pretty."
Todd: Yo, we just ordered some pretty deece pizz bro.

John: Ah! Thats so deece! Can I bum a sliv?

Billy: Dude! I'm totally baked we should so order some
deece pizz. I'm so hungry after smokin those deece nugz

Davis: Smoking is so not deece!

Spencer: Later deece pizz!

by John and Todd December 23, 2006
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E-Roooooooo is pretty deece!!!
by Syphonator December 30, 2009
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When one's name is Thundercrow, Slash RF or The Julk.
If you are not any of these, then please, kill yourself.
"Dude, did you see Slash RF full combo Through The Fire and Flames last night? That was so deece!"
by Thundercrown November 17, 2008
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Loosely translates to ‘class mate’ or ‘that’s great pal’ . Scottish rhetoric.
‘I just found a tenner in my pocket this morning’

Aw that’s deec lax’
by Davie ladbroke November 30, 2020
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deece qual =Of descent quality. Another term for "cool" or "good quality".
Dude, That's so deece qual.
by Séafra Mac Sim September 24, 2004
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