1. Being Chopped and Screwed is when a male or female pretends to be interested in you romantically and then rejects you.

2. Or when you try to pursue someone and get rejected hard
Example 1: Man: Let me buy you a drink.
Woman: No thanks.
Man 2: Damn, you've been chopped and screwed!

Example 2: Woman: You want to do something later?
Man: No, I don't think so.
Woman: (thinks) jeez, talk about getting chopped and screwed.
by streetelitecj December 5, 2008
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Man I bought her a drink, but then she rejected to dance with me, I just got chopped and screwed over.
by zkay May 22, 2009
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to make something new and improved; to remix something such as a dj would
I'm totally going to chop and screw my sober-up snack by combining cream cheese with graham crackers.
by DJ Chachi October 5, 2008
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To be played by someone; a girl/guy.
"You've officially been chopped and screwed" - T-Pain, "That girl/guy just chopped N screwed me over."
by Angel~*~ November 9, 2008
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Musical style of hip-hop developed by DJ Screw and the Screwed Up Click out of Houston TX. Screw music is created when you drop the beats on a song to about 33; that makes the song play real slow.
Chopped is when a DJ cuts or mixes a screwed song.
RIP DJ Screw
OG Ron's Fuck Action is a series of CD's of songs all Chopped N Screwed.
Leaning on that syrup and bangin' Chopped N Screwed music is a Houston trademark.
by e BZ May 10, 2007
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A Famous record Label Directed By Mike Wattz
Hey Sup Jinsey Do Ya know Dat New Song Produced By Lil

Yeah Men Shit Comes From Record Label Chopped N Screwed
by Killasy C May 26, 2006
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