When the testicular sack is bigger in size than the penial shaft ex Mason L
by Bodeman98 February 21, 2017
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A bode is when a man's balls are bigger than his erect penis. This can refer to a small bode, where his penis is just really small and his balls are averaged size, or a big bode where the balls are huge and the penis is normal to big sized. The word itself is a refrence to "it doesn't bode well" ie. the fact that he has a bode is not a good thing.
Look at that bode, I've never seen balls that big!
by Weasle101 July 25, 2009
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a collective phrase for things that make little, or no sense. the potential for bad news.
films by david lynch do not bode.

a harpoon through the head does not bode.
by bearded wisdom January 30, 2004
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verb: to bode

The act of being hungover at ones job after a night of excessive alcohol consumption. Thus under-preforming and/or accoimplishing nothing productive for an entire business day.
Dude, I am totaly bodeing today.
by Jundicator April 1, 2008
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to beat up or to get dissed or to get fresh or cool
this kid is messing with me he is about to get boded
everyone lets get boded
yo you just got boded
by Timmothy Biscuit July 31, 2008
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bode is a kind funny guy. he talks to you a lot and is always bored. he repeats a lot of text words. bode is shy at times but is funny and a different person around friends. he is very athletic and has lots of friends. bode is cute and helpful...he is also good at school. he gets all As and try’s very hard. he is hardworking. bode makes you smile and laugh. overall, bode is a kind, thoughtful, bold guy who is just amazing!
my friend is like bode
by skskskskvsco September 23, 2019
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