(Verb.) To cuck someone is to fuck them over in a way that is really annoying and could have been prevented quite easily.
Thad: Dude, I was playing fortnite and my teamate could have revived me but he decided to get some loot so I died to the storm.

Brody: Wow he really cucked you!
to cuck
by Craig63827 March 12, 2018
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To pleasure and enjoy yourself while watching your girlfriend is getting fucked by other men.
by Colvin Da Beast July 17, 2017
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A nuanced term for a weak man that self flagellates as he watches his wife get pounded into oblivion.

Steve Cox.
Steve Cox only got like 4 votes in the CA primary, meaning he got fucked harder than his wife when he’s getting Cucked.
by LordCuckington August 31, 2020
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Cuck is a weak, unprincipled man who compromises his beliefs in order to please women. More often than not they are so deep into the game that they actually change their beliefs in favor of women. It is derived from the word Cuckold, who enjoys watching his wife getting screwed by other men in Shakespears writing
-There is a wage gap and it should be fixed.
-What a cuck!
by ScientificMethod March 7, 2018
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Short for cuckold

A person (usually a man) who lets others (usually women) metaphorically walk all over them in the name of "being a better person", or as a fetish.
- This guy lets misandrists shackle him with a collar like a dog because he believes that masculinity is toxic

- Wow, what a cuck
by RW250 March 29, 2017
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