He is a little bitch, sucks dick also know as a D.E.A.N. a Dick Eating Ass Nigga. He racist towards black people even though he is black himself. Looks alot like his older brother and he eats ass.
That Tylor is a Dick Eating Ass Nigga
by BIGPEANDEAN April 29, 2019
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A agreesive person most likely to hurt someone if you take something away from them and will kill anything in its path will most likely be a gentle creature with a knife in his backpocket ready to kill
Me is that Tylor
Guy no
Me That is
Tylor No i am
Stabs repeatively
by Thanos_Memes January 31, 2019
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is a hardass varsity wrestler thinks hes hot shit cause hes the only one in his weight class 103
by justin brumfield April 23, 2005
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Is a special guy that has a tiny little penis! So tiny you can't even see it! Is said to be so small it looks like a nipple with hair around it! Tylor Carpenter is more then likely gay and likes other men
by Unknown genius December 12, 2020
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is a hardass varsity wrestler thinks hes hot shit cause hes the only one in his weight class 103
by justin brumfield April 23, 2005
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Tylor Chase is the kind of guy every girl wants for herself but will even share if that's the only way she will have a shot. He the best lover a woman could ever dream of. Every guy wants him as a friend because he is the one person that will never lie or cheat, he's the coolest, most fun, will make u laugh till you can't breath kinda guy and drives the finest cars. But he also took the time to get highly educated and makes money with little to no effort because of it. If your name is Tylor Chase, you are the most wanted by women for love and men for a friend. You are like winning the lottery!!!
by lovee' September 21, 2014
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