A person that will do almost anything for you, but still knows how to stand on his own two feet. Very unique. He's a person that is very level headed and will try to give you the best advice he can. Every time you see him your heart stops and everyone looks. Someone you can trust. Just a great person to be around in general.
Tristan is so fine.
by RoxLette May 22, 2011
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Tristan is the most caring guy you will ever meet, so gentle and sweet. always seems to bring himself down when he shouldn't because he is the most sexiest, funniest, nicest, attractive guy you will ever come across. he will draw your attention with his gorgeous, glossy blue eyes. he will make you laugh like no other, he is polite and always seems to be caring about what your feeling at the time. if you ever come across and tristan don't ever let him go
girl 1- "look at the guy that stands out in that group of smoking hot guys.
girl 2- "that must be tristan"
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an amazing friend who is not afraid to express himself and tries his best
tristan is the best
by Eri (gertrude) October 9, 2018
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a attractive male with a name that dates back centuries.
Girl- What is your name?
Boy- "Tristan"
Girl- Nice name reminds me of the movie Legends of the falls with Brad Pitt. Here's my number..
Boy- yea score!
by bbctopgearBBC March 14, 2009
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This can be a female name. They are breathtakingly beautiful. Angelic eyes, soft, warm lips that will make you melt. A perfect figure. They have the best personality a person can get. If you ever get a chance to date a Tristan do it. They will be not only your girlfriend but your bestfriend. They tend to be tall for females, brown curly hair, and are just over all amazing. They hate being called sexy. They would rather be called beautiful. Treat them with respect, they deserve it.
I love my Tristan
I waited over a year for my Tristan

They love you this much (.) and it goes arounndddd the universe, comes back, and thats how much they love you
by Buzz Lightyear051013 October 10, 2013
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A person who cums in a girls bathroom tells them then says it’s not true then says it’s an accident
by HogRider69420 May 20, 2022
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In one word he's Crazy lol Jk But i could never describe him in word! He's at least 13 words! He's so SEXY, SMART, ATHLETIC, FUN (in and out of bed), SENSITIVE, STRONG (Freakin Amazing Body!), HILARIOUS, CHRISTIAN, COUNTRY, PERFECT, CHICK MAGNET, my BEST FRIEND, and my FOREVER :) No one can ever have a dull moment when they're with him. BTW...Did i mention he's the best darn guy any chick could ever want?
Girl 1: Did you see that new guy at school today?
Girl 2: You mean Tristan?
Girl 1: yea...

Girl 2: Of course! You'd have to be blind not to notice him. He's the whole package!
Girl 1: Idk he's okay... Hehe jk he's freakin gorgeous!
Girl 2: You got that right!
by EmileeRocksUrSocksOff July 8, 2011
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