Nexus, The most addictive game ever with most things controlled by the players characters, justice systems, subpaths, markets, basicly almost everything. Once you start so god damn hard to stop.
Man I was playing Nexus the other day and we killed the Spirit Dragon.
by Riorn September 11, 2005
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MMORPG set in ancient Korea.

Charges $10 a month. Should be $5 a month.
-I'm just chillin' with muh man GeoCyrik smokin' herb pipes and sippin' rice wine in tha Koguryo town when some n00b steps up to us and says "KOREA!!!1!".
by nikkan_hanil July 30, 2004
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An online roleplaying game set in ancient korea, it is incredibly addictive, with a small player base, half of which complains about how much better things were in beta. Massive emphasis on roleplaying, with a constantly evolving plot that is editted by the Nexon people (Someone tried to start a war between the barbarians and the legion of nagnang and the archons told him to stop because it messed up their plot). The crafting skills take too long and give you carpal tunnel besides. If you play, you will probably quit several times but keep coming back, and it will slowly consume your life.
Gamer: This sucks, Nexus is taking over my life. I QUIT!

- 3 months later-
Gamer: Damn I wanna play again...
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Nexus, The most addictive game ever with most things controlled by the players characters, justice systems, subpaths, markets, basicly almost everything. Once you start so god damn hard to stop.
Man I was playing Nexus the other day and we killed the Spirit Dragon.
by Riorn September 11, 2005
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the use of a combination of the drugs Ecstasy (the pill) and Viagara
by Anonymous April 24, 2003
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Etymology: Originated from a MMORPG player with nickname nexu. He is notorious for being afk(Away From Keyboard) during raid or important group activities at the most important times.(ie. Boss pull). Slowly his name evolves into a verb, meaning Away From Keyboard.

Definition: See AFK(Away From Keyboard)
"Hey, just a second guys, I'm gonna nexu for a bit, gotta piss."

"Did he just pull a nexu on us?"
by pcrabbit999 July 11, 2008
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