To miraculously achieve one moment of greatness despite being a complete and total bum/loser.
I can't believe that squirrely loser actually won that one time; he's a real shuster.
by Ralph Cox 80 February 13, 2022
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When everyone thinks you’re a choker but you shock the world by winning it all!
Everyone laughed at him because he got shot down by every girl he ever asked out, until he pulled a “Shuster” and took the prettiest girl in school to the prom.
by crossfire hurricane February 24, 2018
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Shuster (eden) is the name of the prettiest smartest funniest girl that you will meet in your life , honestly it can be a bit annoying sometimes but all in all its impossible to hate her.
She will do anything for her family and the people she loves in the spare 5 minutes she has in a week working three jobs like an immigrant.

Every shuster has a jackie usually of ethnic background and similar sense of humor , the jackie may be beloved by her family in a mutual way.
"DAMN look at that shuster walking around in daylight"

Jackie: "where is my shuster"

"Did i call my shuster today"

"Did i send my shuster a birthday greeting in 2019?"

"Im gonna marry that shuster"
"Bro you really should"
by JackieAbbLovesYutal November 22, 2021
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Shuster (eden) is the name of the prettiest smartest funniest girl that you will meet in your life , honestly it can be a bit annoying sometimes but all in all its impossible to hate her.
She will do anything for her family and the people she loves in the spare 5 minutes she has in a week working three jobs like an immigrant.

Every shuster has a jackie usually of ethnic background and similar sense of humor , the jackie may be beloved by her family in a mutual way.
"DAMN look at that shuster walking around in daylight"

Jackie: "where is my shuster"

"Did i call my shuster today"

"Did i send my shuster a birthday greeting in 2019?"

"Im gonna marry that shuster"
"Bro you really should"
by JackieAbbLovesYutal November 23, 2021
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Shuster (eden) is the name of the prettiest smartest funniest girl that you will meet in your life , honestly it can be a bit annoying sometimes but all in all its impossible to hate her.
She will do anything for her family and the people she loves in the spare 5 minutes she has in a week working three jobs like an immigrant.

Every shuster has a jackie usually of ethnic background and similar sense of humor , the jackie may be beloved by her family in a mutual way.
"DAMN look at that shuster walking around in daylight"

Jackie: "where is my shuster"

"Did i call my shuster today"

"Did i send my shuster a birthday greeting in 2019?"

"Im gonna marry that shuster"
"Bro you really should"
by JackieAbbLovesYutal November 23, 2021
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To claim victory against all odds; to win as the underdog; to win despite critics saying you could not; to redeem ones image in the face of criticism
The 2018 US mens olympic curling team shustered their way to the gold
by Pyrotelekinesis February 24, 2018
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