a term used in a negitive manner, usually heard in a crowd of ghetto people.
person 1-"damn nigga, you forgot the Mc Eiht cd!"

person 2-"oh shnaps!"
by rob$ April 10, 2005
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When infront of the parents and you dont want to cus but you slip up and start saying shit but at the last minute change it to snap and it comes out shnap.
*you stub your toe*
-SH...nap shnap
by Madam awesome May 2, 2009
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a certain way to say shit or oh shit without really cursing. works well in front of children.
when junior broke my bong, i yelled out "oh shnaps u little friggin a-hole" i was so pissed, but luckily i caught myself from cursing just in time.
by flava b (bernie mac) November 22, 2008
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A word used to respond to someone without actually having to know the topic of the conversation or the proper response.

Syn. - Filler, Idle Response
"Dude, I just saw Dukes of Hazzard and it was totally freakin' awesome! I love good cinema."

"Shnipple Shnap. I'm gonna go smok-a-bol."
by i.wms September 2, 2005
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exclamation used when in awe of someone
"I got a 1600 on the SATSs" "Oh shnaps!"
by Jared White October 18, 2002
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"Oh snap" with an added flare of lisp.

See also: I went ther.
John: Nice sweater Jim! It looks like your mom knitted that for you!

Riley: Oh shnap.

Jim: That's because she did. Bitch.

John: Oh. Well then!
by Mr Tom guy May 26, 2009
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