Shagoween is a October holiday that is celebrated on the 31st October in the uk in other countries it may be known as "Halloween"
Happy shagoween mate
by IKnow All October 18, 2023
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Ye olde shagoween/shagaween falls on 31 octobre
Happy shagoween! Treate or tricke?
by Boasty October 17, 2023
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Shagoween is the British term for Halloween. It comes from the iron ages when the village folk would shag (meaning to decorate) their front door to keep dark spirits away.
I love shagoween, spooky season is my favourite. I always shag my front door too in typical tradition!
by Shagoween October 18, 2023
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Shagoween is the the British term for “Halloween”. The term “shagoween” goes back centuries into the iron ages when the village folk would “shag” meaning to decorate their front doors to prevent the demons from entering at night. Hence the term “shagoween”
We celebrate shagoween every October, we always shag the front door too as typical tradition. Spooky shagoween season is my favourite!
by Shagoween October 18, 2023
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Shagoween holiday has its roots in the ancient shagging festival of Shagging (a Gaelic word pronounced “SHA- G H I N”), a celebration to welcome the Aliens at the end of summer, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts.
Oh my goodness! Guess what time of the year it is! Shagoween! Trick or treat?
by Roseyrose21 October 18, 2023
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Shagoween is celebrated on the 31st October in the UK. It is where you go trick or treating and dress up as ghouls and ghosts. Other countries know it by Halloween
"Mate. I can't wait for the shagoween party this weekend!"
by Anjuna October 17, 2023
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