Savanna is the best thing to be in this world. She's better than everything. I need her way more than i need anything else even my own breath. She gives me life. She helps me get through my depression. She's the best. Savanna is very beautiful, smart, funny, and caring person. And I lost her. If you ever find her, never lose her like I did. Now I'm slowly dying without her. She was the only reason for me to be alive. If i had one more chance just to see, hear, or even touch her, i would be so happy. And the first thing i would say is "Savanna, I love you. And i never want to lose you again." Dont lose her like i did.
I want Savanna to be in my life.
by Âñøñŷmøù$ August 3, 2018
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A Savanna, also known as a 'Vanna', is an insanely beautiful girl with long brown wavy hair & blue/green eyes. They are peace makers and tend to calm you down. They are even mistaken for hippies or thong pirates at times. Though they are known to go after assholes, they always end up with amazing guys in the end. Tend to be best friends with "Caitlin's" or "Kayla's".
"Caitie : Vanna I'm gonna go knock a bitch out!"

"Savanna : No Caitie, you'll get arrested. How about you lay off the sugar & then I'll walk you home."

"Caitie : Okay..."
by ChemicalCoffee September 15, 2011
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Savannas are tall blonde girls with blue green eyes. Are very stubborn and when they want something they don’t say it they let you figure out on your own. They are very secretive and always play with their hair. If you ever find a savanna you should never do her dirty or there will be Consequences which is basically getting on her bad side but if she loves you enough you guys can still be friends.
Person 1: There’s Savanna she is to tall and is so stubborn

Person 2: What are you talking about she’s so nice and funny.

Person 1: Until you break up with her.
by shut up please 12345 June 12, 2019
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Savanna usually has puffy hair and brown eyes with naturally rosey cheeks. Obsessed with horoscopes and staying up at night. She’s tall but not into a lot of sports, she’s maybe tried volleyball once or twice but she didn’t like it. Lastly she’s really pretty but says she’s not.
How does she have such good grades
Must be a savanna
by MyKittyIsWet19 December 30, 2020
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Savannas are usually green or blued eye girls with brunette hair. They're the most loyal girls with good hearts, they give to many chances but once they're done they're done. They always keep a smile on their family and friends faces even when they're breaking inside. They've been through a lot but Savanna's are the toughest girls you'll ever meet. They're always needy for attention and love from their significant other, they're great in bed and most Savanna's are kinky with someone they're comfortable with. They're usually calm but once you push a Savanna to her limit you better run. Overall Savanna's are great girls and if you ever have a Savanna in your life don't let them go
Person 1: I wish she would give me a chance
Person 2: who
Person 1: Savanna

Person 2: you would be so lucky dude
by Thegreeneyedfreckledfuck September 4, 2017
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Savanna is an angina simp and resembles a crusty, dry piece of land. She loves plaid and minivans and is a soccer mom with her 18 children She also hates the song "Havanna" by Camilla Cabello. Her half father is a mahogany bookshelf.
by Proud Book Worm February 24, 2022
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nice kind and lonely hurt but hides it well single ugly not a whore.
oh that's just savanna
by summersmith May 16, 2018
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