The hot creature of silent hill big buff rawr no he does not rape those creatures I wish he could be real cus I'd let him kill me I don't need to explain he is the female gaze
"yo that chick over there is a freak I heard her say she has a crush on pyramid head"

"The dude from silent hill?"


"Same I would smash"
by Nathaniel69420 December 4, 2022
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Yea its me I got the big ass triangle on my head
That beast literally has a Pyramid Head... how weird
by Pyramid head1988 November 14, 2021
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An executioner sent out by superhuman forces to torment James Sunderland, the protagonist/antagonist of Silent Hill 2, a cultish PlayStation 2 horror game. Contrary to the beliefs of self-proclaimed psychologists, Pyramid Head is nothing more than a mindless, semi-human, spear-wielding maniac, as told by Konami, the company behind the game.
Guy #1: Oh no--Pyramid Head!
Guy #2: What was that noise just now? And what's that smell?!
by synce September 19, 2005
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an ex-comune demon that is near immortal. Pyramid Head has a large pyramid/ triangle helmet which mask the demon inside and gives it the notable name. Carrying a heavy simatar like sword, Pyramid Head is a relentless fuck in silent hill 2 that stalks james throughout the game, and is described as the scariest fuck you'll ever meet.
scarry ass raping fuck with a sword and scary helmet: first seen in the hotel
by Nico February 14, 2004
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: an act of fellatio, oral stimulation of the penis in which a physical manifestation of ones Id performs said act, while donning a Pyramid shaped helm :

variants: Pye Ehdding (British Vulgar Slang)

Ancient Egyptian "9to5"

*Not to be confused with the more common "Sleeping Pyramid Head" in which the same act is performed , except the head of the Id is sat upon to cause numbness. Similar to "the Stranger" :
From "Sweaters to Freedom", an op-ed penned by Bill Cosby for the Washington Post:

I was in a little town by the name of Silent Hill with my Daughter Cleo, and our car broke down. We entered a service station and a fancy triangular shredded figure appeared. He then began sucking my hog dry of all life. I exclaimed, "oouuu Cleo! Ima gettin that Pyramid Head, dontcha know!
by Scoopy8675309 August 26, 2022
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