3 definitions by synce

Popular video game series developed by Japanese company Square--originated sometime in the early nineties; worshipped by pre-teens who consider the games to have meaningful stories and compelling characters; used by Square company to generate megabucks.
Guy #1: Dude, Final Fantasy 34 is releasing next year.
Guy #2: I still haven't finished Final Fantasy 29.

"Final Fantasy" + "#" = SUCCESS

by synce September 19, 2005
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Nakadashi is referred to as creampie in American porn
by synce June 22, 2007
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An executioner sent out by superhuman forces to torment James Sunderland, the protagonist/antagonist of Silent Hill 2, a cultish PlayStation 2 horror game. Contrary to the beliefs of self-proclaimed psychologists, Pyramid Head is nothing more than a mindless, semi-human, spear-wielding maniac, as told by Konami, the company behind the game.
Guy #1: Oh no--Pyramid Head!
Guy #2: What was that noise just now? And what's that smell?!
by synce September 19, 2005
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