this is something cool people get involved in.

it involves:

-cool people ( 3+, so make it a crowd)

-one night a week
the people involved in this will often come together and celebrate being good friends, if your not involved in a club like this, make one!
"Hey mum, i'm off to Bubwar Ponting! see you in a few!"

"I'm off to the bubwa club, hide me some raisins"
by Isabee December 31, 2010
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The bridge one takes into Montreal if you are headed in from the Southside of the island. This is known as Anglo-Soul Glo-After the Party it's off to the bowling alley with Sally, Chief O'Malley, and Rand-McNally, Cali. That is, if you just ate a sheet of pot-brownies like I did.
I took Pont Champlain into Montreal. It was the most beautiful bridge I rode on all day. Believe me, I seen a lot of fucking bridges today, Daddy.
by T-Dog Jenkins October 2, 2005
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'Set a date' - A spanish tiktok slang used to send someone to set a date for suicide
Person A comment: Your mom is in my wardrobe!
Person B comments: Ponte fecha
by Dazaizai October 28, 2023
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A Disgusting excuse for a male, who is a trog at heart. Sadly, (not really) majority of people who know him think hes A) homosexual and B) just a dumb faggot. Has friends, but they arent as close to him as he thinks they are.
I met this kid last night, he's such a Taylor Ponte. Sucks for him.
Wow his ex- girlfriend is sooo hot, bummer he pulled a Taylor Ponte.
by the natives are restless February 25, 2009
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Tiger Wood's favorite vacation spot. While NYC has a Starbucks on every corner, PVB has a plastic surgery center on every corner. Trust me, you need that many when every girl is given a nose job for her 16th birthday and a boob job for graduating high school. The amount of affairs that occur in this city would make any reality star shudder and Hollywood puke.
"My dad was one of those who had affairs every time he was home." "Where the hell did you live?" "Ponte Vedra." " wonder!"

"She's so Ponte Vedra that her brain is silicone."
by charlyphraser June 27, 2014
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The awesomest group of ninjas in the universe. You would be lucky to be invited to join this wonderful group. This group consists of three lead members, the rest are followers. These people find pants they like and "steal" them. Even if they happen to be on a person.
ZOmg, that girls one of the Ponts Ninjas. (you can tell by her mask and the awesomest wacky pants with gomushins)
by pONtZNinja3 September 5, 2006
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A boilermaker who love taking anal from midget tranny hookers
John paid $250 for a Dal Ponte last night
by Sweetgiulia January 20, 2020
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