A new way of defining the term "sunburn."
Guy 1: Damn, you're really red from that sunburn.
Guy 2: I hate being a lobster.
by IQU Now. August 22, 2009
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when you administer a shocker to two different girls at the same time.
Ahern administered the elusive lobster on those two women he met in vegas.
by kook February 16, 2005
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when u shove/force ur ass in a girls mouth while she makes her hand like a claw and squeezes ur nuts
oh snap i just saw dylan d and sterling c lobstering yolanda
by Sterling and dylan May 10, 2006
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I refreshing alcoholic beverage first created by Meat Axe at the Normanby Hotel in Brisbane, Australia.
The Lobster consists of
1 half shot Amaretto
a quater shot Chamboard
a quater shot Cointreau
a squirt of lime
shaken over ice and topped with lift.

Ofter referred to as "The Lobster"
Girl 1: (to bartender) I'll take a lobster please
Girl 2: (to girl 1) did you ask for The Lobster, everyone is drinking those!
by Meat Axe February 20, 2011
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1. A lobster is a New England term for a girl who most likely has a pretty face, nice torso but from the waist down carries an ass the size of a small planet. The ass expands to the circumference of roughly her height (or more). She is called a lobster because like the tasty shellfish "all the meat is in the tail"!
"yah dude, I mean wicked awesome! I was gonna ask that hottie in the pick up truck out but when she opened the door all I could think of was grabbing my nutcrackers and drawn butter..cause she was no doubt the biggest lobster I'd evah seen!"
"No Shit dood, she could win miss clam bake this year!!"
by nhrugga October 28, 2006
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A slang term for the Australian $20 note due to it's orangey/red colour.
I was at the casino and chucked a lobster down on black and it came up good!
by bratha September 19, 2005
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