An ethnic slur for Australian people, first popularized by anti-gay Youtuber Dave Rubin.
They've got kangaroos just running in public. You'll be driving your car and have a LITERAL KANGAROO will just whoosh by.
by 69bossassbitch69 September 19, 2019
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"Did you know in Australia they have literal kangaroos just running around."
by rogerol September 18, 2019
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Dave laughed at the literal kangaroos that ran alongside his car in Australia.
by jollyhorse September 18, 2019
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The literal kangaroo is a marsupial from the family Macropodidae. They freely run around Australia.
Skyler Turden don't know what is a literal kangaroo.
by JimmyRustles2 September 18, 2019
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