When a man slaps his ball sack against his leg to make a snapping noise.
Dude I just had the loudest flap jack; it sounded like a fucking gunshot!
by GANGSTASS December 13, 2009
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A cool show on cartoon network.
Chowder is cooler though.
"Let's watch Flap Jack !"
"Sure. Oh ! And there's an episode of Chowder next."
by ImLame. January 24, 2010
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Flatulence while sitting on the floor of a shower.
After a combination of Indian food and a long night, Susan often finds herself the next dat flap-jacking during her morning shower.
by Professor Know-A-Lotta March 10, 2021
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A man who stores tiny hotel liquor bottles under his armpits and/or fat flaps.
Have you got A mini Jack Daniels under your armpit? You Flap Jack.
by Syl Verona Platter January 6, 2011
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when lying naked on ones bed and jumping on to your stomach then to your back resembling flipping a flapjack
I was flap jacking so hard my bed broke!
by MC triple T January 3, 2011
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when a man lifts a womans or fat kids tit and watch's as it flops saying "FLAP JACK"
"Dude did you see that girls boob bounce when I gave her that flap jack"
by frank the fat kid tom May 19, 2007
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when a guy shoots his load on his womans back, lets it dry, then peels it off and feeds it to the chick.
"dude i totally gave sally a flap jack last night"
by robgards September 7, 2007
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