A bampot, some pure crazy ned, fae edinburgh
some pure radge pot bampot thinkin he the top gadgy fae embra chibbed that ned
by Rossco February 8, 2005
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when you have been taking drugs all night (normally chi) and you get into bed . your hearts racing , your eyes are pinging , you cant sleep no matter how hard you try and you toss and turn constantly rolling round your bed.
oh man i was pure gadgie rolling for ages last night
by natgee June 23, 2021
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A Gadgie is word from the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed referring to a man.
You see the Gadgie over there?
by Big Dogga D June 22, 2019
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To describe a person who's gender you cannot tell.
What the f*ck is that thing? Is it a man or a woman?... it's a gadgie mot
by Wagwarn piff ting March 2, 2020
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To describe someone who's gender is unknown
What the f*ck is that over there? Is it a man or a woman? .. it's a Gadgie Mot
by Wagwarn piff ting March 2, 2020
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