It's a crap south-east San Francisco neighborhood. You live here when you can't afford to live someplace better. It's not as fucked up as Bayview or Visitation Valley, but it's straight up nasty, with a third-world smell.
Ho, where do you live?

In the City.

Which part?


Oh. That's too bad. Maybe you should move.
by JooJoo94112 September 8, 2010
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the point you reach after getting a chubby to which you extend into a massive erect penis.
That frazzlesnooch just made me excelsior
by karr713 January 9, 2008
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Excelsior Mob is multi cultural Mafia in San Francisco. The name was giving to them by the ingleside police station for moving like the mob of old.
Them Excelsior Mob is deep
by Skrilla Screech March 21, 2021
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Excelsior, MN is an over populated, not so nice little town anymore. Prodomenenetely white population full of rich snobs. The town is referred to by others as “the magnet”. You can find a bar down all of water street. The taxes to live in excelsior jump, jump, jump, and force people out of their homes. In the summer buzz it takes 15 minutes to travel .5 miles of the main stretch, by car. The city council doesn’t care about the residents, just the numbers they pull in. Then there’s that Prick firemen Stearn what a douche.
Excelsior, MN beach is where I’ll be, or come to the commons in Excelsior, MN, meet me down at the port of Excelsior, MN
by Pissedoldman January 17, 2019
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You want meth?

You want any drugs?

Come down to excelsior springs Mo you bet we got it!

Excelsior full of homeless rotten schools system that can’t teach a person nobody is excelsior will turn out to be successful! Come down here it’s great! :)
Come down to excelsior springs- to get your meth in a small town in Missouri!!
by Aunics lime January 16, 2021
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Excelsior High has decent boys and girls and they're compound is rather decent, but excelsior boys are WIKID and so are the females, you'll get bun from this school
Girl at half way tree: Omg is that a boy from excelsior high school? i hear they give you the whole bakery with a bag juice!
by Zeroovos January 2, 2023
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Should rightfully be named Excelsior Play Center. An actual, legitimate charter/independent-study high school where you can graduate without doing any work. Thousands of students already have discovered the secret of forging parent signatures on log sheets, which are annoying slips of paper that are required weekly and is supposedly proof of student work done. Not only does most of the student population slack off, but it is known that much of the faculty sits around and does NOTHING. However, Excelsior thrives due to a small number of hardworking faculty members and the effort of a very few smart students who, shockingly, actually do the assigned work. But for the most part, be prepared to learn NOTHING.
At Excelsior Education Center:
Student 1: Ok, winter break has ended. For the first week of school, we'll hang out at the mall. The second week, we can hang out at each other's house and watch movies all day. From then on, we'll do whatever we want.

Student 2: Isn't that what we've just been doing on winter break?

Student 1: Yeah...but the thing different is that we'll have to make time to forge our log sheets and "borrow" the answer keys.
by Millanny January 7, 2008
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