Having a large quantity of buddha-like characteristics.
Josh's intentions were buddhaful, but the poor puppies drowned due to a lack of planning.
by weedheaded January 16, 2007
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let's go smoke some buddha and get high as hell
by gh0stk1d August 1, 2006
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\Bud"dha\, n. Skr. buddha wise, sage, fr. budh to know. The title of an incarnation of self-abnegation, virtue, and wisdom, or a deified religious teacher of the Buddhists, esp. Gautama Siddartha or Sakya Sinha (or Muni), the founder of Buddhism.
n 1: founder of Buddhism; c 563-483 b.c.; worshipped as a god syn: Buddha, the Buddha, Siddhartha, Gautama, Gautama Buddha 2: one who has achieved a state of perfect enlightenment
Some damn good bud.
Buddha was a wise teacher.
Yo boss, blaze the buddha!
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Someone with a very large belly or big gut.
by Jack E Smith III April 28, 2006
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Buddha formally known Siddhartha Gautama. Is known throughout the entire world as the founder of Buddhism and a person who wanted to be known not as a god, but through his teachings. He is certainly one of the great men of all time. His theory of reincarnation is known throughout the world. And is more widley accepted by those in the scientific world. Also his theory of the earth coming about from a giant explosion or "Big Bang" is accepted by those in the scientific world also instead of the "God" theory
Buddha, the founder of Buddhism was born in India.
by larry March 23, 2003
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Caring this is a huge downfall for them as they put others before themselves a lot. They are amazing listeners and talkers knowing their way with words. Overly caring and considerate. Always there when a friend is in need. just check up on them every so often as they don’t talk about their problems much because they are to worried with others. they are very confusing people but are absolutely amazing at the same time

if you do ever meet you a Buddha keep them close to your heart because one day when you’ve hit rock bottom they will be there to help you up. Counselor, best friend, brother, my family til the end.
Man I got a major problem I need to talk to my BudDha
by Tamisue Osborne July 5, 2019
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An interjection expressing surprise; an alternative to "Jesus Christ!"
Felipé: "Here's the photo of the newly discovered moonfish I caught while I was fishing off the coast of Malta with superchef Bobby Flay."

Leonard: "Buddha! That's a big moonfish."
by MicroPenis™ May 18, 2010
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