A girl name who usually tends to have a white mom name
*Sound of disgust*
Analis moms name is Jane
by Hey! I know you! May 30, 2018
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Adjective: (ay-NAL-ee)

A word of description meaning squishy and green.
Are you sure the pudding it edible? It looks rather analie to me.
by Badankadank November 15, 2009
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verb. a beautiful anus

nous. an anus that undergoes metamorphasis
Man, that analis is a work of art. It should be framed and put on exhibit.
by Tommy Wang May 24, 2006
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A complete liar who will do anything that will benefit her only. Only cares about her self not about how other feels. Liar cheater and a person who uses you stay away from this person unless you like being used and played
When Analy needs something she will text you non stop when she doesnt need something she will just ignore you.
by Donkanyou February 19, 2019
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When you sexually pleasure another species through the asshole!
Dom analy ravanges another man through the asshole very very hard
by Leber81 June 16, 2010
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