When you're at your barber and you get a fresh cut. But he says its ten dollars and you gotta run
by AYeetyBoi December 5, 2019
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When you load the M2 machine CNC cutting torch with antimatter fuel and launch your business into another region.
I lit my hair on fire again I'm cut software and that's my haircut.
by Cody5050 February 13, 2022
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A haircut that costs upwards of £50.
A bus went through my local barbers so I was forced to fork out for a glasby cut uptown.
by Pipsqueakian March 9, 2021
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Hey man let's cut the gap, I'm tired, I'll drop u home on the way .
by Mycardriveslikesquirrels June 26, 2022
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The phrase you say when you realised you just said something so fucked up you're gonna get cancelled. Used during Jaackmaate's Happy Hour Podcast.
Jaackmaate: "Hitler ain't that bad!"
Stevie White: "Cut that Katie!"
by 3aw4se5dr6ft7gy8hu9ij0se5dr6ft November 16, 2021
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