Arab-issh \’ar əb i-ssh\ n, adj. v, adverb

1. Arab-issh is the next generation of comedians calling the MidEast, Mediterranean, North Africa and/or South Asia their ancestral home. These artists use comedy to discuss their lives, vision and experiences straddling two cultures while living in North America. With unique perspectives on mistaken and misunderstood identity, Arab-issh shares the scary, mundane and funny real-life situations with audiences and critics.
Arab-issh \’ar əb i-ssh\ n, adj. v, adverb

Arab-issh also Arab-ish, adjective, noun “Hey that guy looks Arab-issh, let’s get his number!”

Arab-issh, verb, “You need to keep it real and let them know about that Arab-issh!”

Arab-issh, adverb, “That woman? She's Arab-issh - smart, beautiful, down to Earth & she'll treat you right.”
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Spoken by Carmin_35, the origin of the word takes place back in 2021. It means ''how suspicious it would have been if we were talking in math'', Carmin_35 is a popular member of ROBLOX Romania.
Carmin_35: ”Oare cat de suspect ar fi fost daca noi vorbeam prin matematica.”
HermmanSigmaringen:”esti cringe.” ( You're Cringe )
by Vosifey200 February 20, 2022
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This word has two meanings:

1: You are having a seizure and are in need of immediate medical attention.

2: You are EXTREMELY annoyed. Usually used after unfunny jokes such as Joe Mama.
Person 1: Do you know who Joe is?

Person 2: Stop this isn't even funny

Person 3: Who's Joe?

Person 2: you idiot

Person 1: Joe MAMA

by AZ_AZ_AZ_AZ_AZ_AZ_AZ_AZ_AZ_AZ October 12, 2021
when your so bored you wonder how you spell each letter of the alphabet.
"hmm I wonder how to say each letter in the alphabet"
"I know

Ay, bee, see, dee, e, ef, gee, aitch, eye, jay, kay, el, em, en, oh, pee, que, ar, es, tee, you, vee, double you, ex why, zed."
by boooooooooooooored June 2, 2021
Get the Ay, bee, see, dee, e, ef, gee, aitch, eye, jay, kay, el, em, en, oh, pee, que, ar, es, tee, you, vee, double you, ex why, zed. mug.
The usual ars wears adidas pants, adidas shirt and adidas hat. He says noder all the time with vodka bottle and every 3 miniuts he spits for everywhere
The idiot guy is ars
by Bakalz November 12, 2018
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A place where almost everyone is fake and where the only fun things to do are meth and go to jail. Also the schools fucing suc major dic fuc you wynne schools :)
Hey look it’s a stupid dummy head from wynne, AR
by Kroger ;) March 27, 2019
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