n. British alternate terminology for having engaged in coitus.

v. To copulate or "get it in"
Hey there babe, I would like to have two Big Macs and a moistened member please.
by Homozygus January 27, 2012
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The lack of any reading comprehension abilities. The inability to understand basic sentences/phrases. Exhibited primarily by members of the Mathematical Olympiads Discord Server (MODS).
“Hey do you have the solution to potd 420?”
“Oh you mean the dishes? Yeah I just washed them”
“Oh sorry mods member syndrome. I read it wrong lol”
“Wait actually now reading your message again, I think ur right! That is a great solution!”
Oh I see that you’re a fellow MODS member as well :)”
by MODS_Librarian July 14, 2023
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Someone who doesn't technically qualify as a fellow crony, but whom da members allow to tag along anyway due to his cranky persistence in his efforts to join said group.
Walter is such a grouch dat one wonders how he ever managed to become part of Jeff Dunham's show; perhaps Jeff made him an ornerary member rather than listen to his whiny complaining about feeling left out.
by QuacksO June 10, 2023
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A person belonging to a group of higher ranking outlaws

an individual who is above the law and politics.
A person capable of calling the "shots".
"White boy"
Bob said " I said that ain't no real Brand

member. Brand member Bob only deals with brand members.
by BigSexy69er April 23, 2022
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I was so horny as soon as she touched it I was releasing my member mayonnaise.
by SoulPusher March 25, 2019
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Dude look at his pupils, what a twizzled member”
by MdmBAE September 30, 2018
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