Commonly known as "HELL". School is even worse than real jail. All kids are there just to learn about stuff that we won't need or use in the real world. And when school is over, they are free and they also call their home their "America" because, YOU ARE FREE OF SCHOOL WHEN YOU'RE AT HOME. Unless the school tortures you with HOMEWORK. NOBODY DOES THEIR HOMEWORK. Every kid has to go to school according to the government.
Screw school (Hell). I want to go to my America (Home) right now.
by NothingToSeeHere- November 13, 2019
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The place where adults called "teachers" force you to do tasks and "learn" even though you are on 2 hours of sleep because of the 42 assignments they gave you last night.
Mom: Go to school
Joe: No its dumb and a waste of time
by LoliHentaiCool January 27, 2021
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School is an institution that is supposed to "educate" children, but only brainwashes, and makes children judge themselves off of how well they can do a test on something that they will never use in life. School makes "goldfish judge themselves on their ability to climb a tree".

School also violates basic human rights. It violates a student's right to their health and happiness. They make pubescent children and teenagers get up at 5:00 AM, while common knowledge is that sleep deprivation completely rids a person of their mental health. This also rids a person of their happiness, for obvious reasons. No one likes to be woken up when they do not want to.

We all end up forgetting all of these useless facts that will somehow help us pursue our jobs. No one will use the quadratic formula in making art. No one will care about what kind of script the Sumerians used when they would be out there designing architecture. Schools suppress students' potentials. They snuff out their dreams.

School is a "one size fits all" institution. It treats everyone as if they are the same people, with the same personalities, with the same backgrounds, with the same mind. School has not changed very much, if not at all. School was just there to prepare future factory workers.

In the end, school is a horrid place that should not even exist anywhere. In a sense, school is a crime against humanity.
Guy 1: I'm so tired of school. I hate waking up at 5:00 AM just to learn something useless.
Guy 2: Me too.
by geardagum February 19, 2018
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I got wipped at school today because I didn't pick the cotton
by Peepeetwat February 5, 2019
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A fucking jail cell that has 400 people be in for 18 years of their own lives. A waste of time for the teachers and mostly kids. Normal prison food. No outside time. The thing that will make you depressed and want to kill yourself. So fucking stressful and a competition to get good grades so your parents are happy.
Ugh, I have to go to prison, so called school.
by Donutet December 13, 2020
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A building that resembles hell full of fake hoes that try to test us. The place where teachers think all is well when really EVERYTHING IS A BIG FAT FUCKING OOF. You go class to class for 7 hours w/ teachers boring you out of our MINDS shoving worksheets up our ass and to top it all off we go home with 2 HoUrS oF hOmEwOrK. School makes me want to jump off a god damn cliff and choke someone lmao. Not to mention the lunch food taste like shit and probably still has living cells in it. Over my years I've found bones in mashed potatoes, wet chicken patty's, wood in my pasta and much more. Oh and you can't POSSIBLY forget- {the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell}
If school hasn't made you consider being a stripper once or twice your lying
by Hooahyesyesyes December 5, 2018
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