When you suck and gluck on dat cock to hard u swallow it and you swallow there balls at the same time that your thought gets bruised
Bro I just gave the glock cock choker last night to big Jim
by Lynsey brolly December 6, 2021
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1. suck a dick; mostly used in the hood

2. when take a friends mom back to the crib
1. Person 1: "Are you seeing Cindy today?"

Person 2: "Oh yeah shes gonna gleak on my glock"

2. Person 1: "My mom didn't come home last night"

Person 2: "Oh yeah i gleaked her on my glock last night"
by urmom and dabibi February 24, 2021
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The act of making a gun with both hands and then proceeding to stick said guns into a woman's vaginal/anal openings. Act is generally meant to be a shock to the woman.
Watch out for David's glock n shock!
by Kamen March 2, 2007
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i glock spock....
::::um are you serious..i have to have 20 letters..so yeah but my example is definetly I GLOCK SPOCK
by laurenasherlastname December 6, 2005
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Firing off all ammunition in a firearm whilst climaxing from receiving felatio. When done properly the brass cartridges will bounce off the top of the head of the one performing the felatio in between the streams of semen rocketing down their throat.
"The only way I'm driving 150 miles for head is if that girl's gonna give me a Glock-en-spiel!"

"Honey, can you stop by the gun store on the way home? I wanna give you a Glock-en-spiel later."

"That girl totally blew me on the beach at sunrise this morning man. The best part was, It was a Total Glock-en-spiel! I emptied my magazine and my balls simultaneously!"
by JohnnyTbagz August 29, 2011
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Lil Glock 30 is someone with thug lifestyle but decent in some way and also don't fall in love with bitches but fall in love with money and always choose money over fame and also caring but hate fake niqqas
by Lil Glock 30 March 31, 2020
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