ong these mf's thinking that all the lukas's be the same n shit but i strongly disagree as a fellow lukas. Lukas's are usually short, yes, buttttt we are very kind hearted and hate people named alessio. ong we all handsome as shit tho even tho we short but its all good because personality>looks ya get me
lukas M is one hot azz male no? skull emoji x7 actually braindead lukas :on: :top:
by lukas#5555 on valorant October 14, 2022
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Lukas is someone that is very caring and you can never lose trust in. He will always remember you and he likes basketball and baseball. His favorite color is blue and his sisters name is Ellie M. He’s Greek and Filipino and loves his family and also his Friends. He likes this girl Z***** and always talks too her. I’m glad I know that because I’m that girl :))
Me: Lukas M is amazing
Them: yes he really is…
by Coolpersons May 5, 2022
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He’s a sexy bro he got that rice crispy and he be a cool guy
Mattt M is a cool guy
by Radjad February 12, 2021
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I stuck my dick in her butt, and then made her suck it. I went A to M on that ho.
by AC Pro May 31, 2019
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When you find all the m & m's gone from the trail mix just know someone made it healthy for you by doing a

m & m trail fix! It is a selfless act to fix your mix and is a win win for all parties because who needs to mix candy with healthy food?
kids: who ate all the m & m's out of the trail mix I just got?
mom: I m & m trail fix that because you need to stay healthy
kids: Mom!!!!!!

mom: rofl you are welcome?
by roxbox007 February 6, 2020
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When your girlfriend won’t let you hit raw even though you lift.
-“I don’t care how much you lift John, you can’t go raw dog!”

-“Lowercase m”
by Lowercasem August 11, 2021
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